
At the newly created Institute for Entrepreneurship several positions as Student Assistant (m/f/d) are to be filled as soon as possible. The tasks include support in current research and teaching activities, general institute and project work, as well as the maintenance of the homepage of the institute and support in the process organisation of the institute.

The application deadline is 15 June 2020. 


Further information on the position, the requirements and the application can be found here: 

Student Assistant (m/f/d)
Stellenausschreibung Hiwis_ENT_ 2020.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 59.7 KB

thyssenkrupp Management Consulting is organizing exciting virtual events on several dates in the coming weeks. According to the motto "Wanted: New Consultants @ TKMC!" the company will provide information on the current situation and on (virtual) recruiting at TKMC. TKMC is thus sending a clear message that despite corona and the turbulent times, they are still hiring and looking for interns and career starters. 


The dates and the links for the registration: 


Wednesday, May 13th at 2pm:

Tuesday, 26 May at 2 pm:

Thursday, 18 June at 10 a.m.:


Webinar: Neue Berater @ TKMC_Flyer
Neue Berater @ TKMC_Flyer.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 638.9 KB

Ernsting’s family is one of the biggest cross-channel-providers in the German textile retailing. The company offers an attractive price-performance ratio in the branches of clothes, lingerie, accessoires as well as home and living products for the entire family.


They are looking for:

Intern Sustainablity
Ausschreibung Nachhaltigkeit.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.2 MB